Contribution of 'Real Nappies for London' to local authority waste prevention - 2012-2016

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To help prevent disposable nappy (DN) solid waste, the Women's Environmental Network developed the 'Real Nappies for London' (RNfL) scheme. In partnership with local authorities (LAs), RNfL promotes the use of real nappies (RNs) within nine boroughs of London, preventing the use of 4290 DNs per child, from new born to 2·5 years of age. The scheme issued a voucher to residents who registered, redeemable for the average value of £45 against the purchase of RN products. Over a period of 4 years from 2012 to 2016, RNfL issued 4192 vouchers, of which 3188 were redeemed, resulting in 3145 t of DN waste prevention. The 2012-2016 performance equated to a combined LA saving of £320 791 based on an average landfill tax of £84/t and disposal cost of £18/t across LAs in England. Cost to LAs for RNfL voucher processing is £28 690 (£9/voucher), achieving a cost-effective ratio of 1:11. RNs are a valuable waste-prevention tool working at the top of the waste hierarchy, in LAs. The resident network, built by the RNfL scheme, also provides a channel for LAs to communicate important waste messages to residents at low to no cost.




Warner, C., Vick, H., Walker, A., & Hill, K. (2017). Contribution of “Real Nappies for London” to local authority waste prevention - 2012-2016. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Waste and Resource Management, 170(3+4), 119–127.

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