We compare hindcasts of global mean sea level over the past millennium obtained using two semi-empirical models linking temperature and sea-level rise. The models differ in that one of them includes a term for a very long-term sea-level rise component unfolding over many millennia. On short (century) time scales, both models give very similar results. Proxy sea-level reconstructions from the northern (North Carolina) and southern (New Zealand and Tasmania) hemispheres are used to test the ability of both models to reproduce the longer-term sea-level evolution. In both comparisons the model including the second term produces a markedly better fit from 1000 AD to the present. When both models are used for generating sea-level projections, they behave similarly out to 2100 AD. Further out, to 2300-2500 AD, the projections differ significantly, in no small part due to different values for the sea-level response time scale I., obtained. We conclude that careful model validation on long time scales is important before attempting multi-century projections. 2012 Author(s).
Vermeer, M., Rahmstorf, S., Kemp, a., & Horton, B. (2012). On the differences between two semi-empirical sea-level models for the last two millennia. Climate of the Past Discussions, 8, 3551–3581.
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