Long-range interaction and correlation between MYC enhancer and oncogenic long noncoding RNA CARLo-5

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The mechanism by which the 8q24 MYC enhancer region, including cancer-associated variant rs6983267, increases cancer risk is unknown due to the lack of protein-coding genes at 8q24.21. Here we report the identification of long noncoding RNAs named cancer- associated region long noncoding RNAs (CARLos) in the 8q24 region. The expression of one of the long noncoding RNAs, CARLo-5, is significantly correlated with the rs6983267 allele associated with increased cancer susceptibility. We also found the MYC enhancer region physically interacts with the active regulatory region of the CARLo-5 promoter, suggesting long-range interaction of MYC enhancer with the CARLo-5 promoter regulates CARLo-5 expression. Finally, we demonstrate that CARLo-5 has a function in cell-cycle regulation and tumor development. Overall, our data provide a key of the mystery of the 8q24 gene desert.




Kim, T., Cui, R., Jeon, Y. J., Lee, J. H., Lee, J. H., Sim, H., … Croce, C. M. (2014). Long-range interaction and correlation between MYC enhancer and oncogenic long noncoding RNA CARLo-5. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(11), 4173–4178. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1400350111

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