A novel method for analyzing the process of abrupt climate change

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A climate system which is transitioning from one state to another is known as an abrupt climate change. Most of the recent studies regarding abrupt climate change have focused on the changes occurring before and after the abrupt change point, while little attention has been given to the "transition process" which occurs when the system breaks away from the original state to a new state. In this study, a novel method for analyzing the process of abrupt climate change was presented. By using the mathematical model based on the logistic model, the process of the abrupt change could be analyzed and divided into different phases which include start moment, end moment, stable state, and unstable transition state. Meanwhile, the method was confirmed to be effective by testing in a study of Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) time sequence, and the results of this study specify that this abrupt change process (ACP) of PDO has a relationship with global warming.




Yan, P. C., Feng, G. L., & Hou, W. (2015). A novel method for analyzing the process of abrupt climate change. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 22(3), 249–258. https://doi.org/10.5194/npg-22-249-2015

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