Pleistocene sediment offloading and the global sulfur cycle

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Quaternary sea level fluctuations have greatly affected the sediment budgets of the continental shelves. Previous studies suggested that this caused a considerable increase in the net loss of shelf sediments. Since sediment accumulation and erosion are closely tied to the formation and re-oxidation of pyrite, we use a high-resolution record of sulfur isotope ratios ( 34 S/ 32 S) of marine sulfate to evaluate the implications of the so-called "shelf sediment offloading" on the global sulfur cycle. Modeling of our delta; 34 S record suggests that erosion during sea level lowstands was only partly compensated by increased sedimentation during times of rising sea level and sea level highstands. Furthermore, our data suggests that shelf systems reached a new equilibrium state about 700 ka, which considerably slowed or terminated shelf sediment offloading.




Markovic, S., Paytan, A., & Wortmann, U. G. (2015). Pleistocene sediment offloading and the global sulfur cycle. Biogeosciences, 12(10), 3043–3060.

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