Spatial and temporal pattern of rainfall play an important role in runoff generation. Rain-gauge density influences the accuracy of spatial pattern and time interval influence the accuracy of temporal pattern of storms. Usually due to practical and financial limitation the perfect distribution is not achievable. Several sources of data are used to 5 define the behavior of rainfall over a watershed. Raingauges station, radar operation and satellite sensor are the main source of rainfall estimation over the space and time. Recording raingauges are the most common source of rainfall data in many countries. However raingauge network has not adequate coverage in many watersheds spatially in developing countries. Therefore other global source of rainfall data may be useful 10 for hydrological analysis such as flood modeling. This research assessed the ability of TRMM rainfall estimates for explain the Spatio-temporal pattern of severe storm over Klang watershed which is a hydrologically well instrumented watershed. It was experienced that TRMM rainfall estimates are 35 % less than actual data for the investigated events. Due to coarse temporal resolution of TRMM (3 h) compare to gauge rainfall 15
Akbari, A., Othman, F., & Samah, A. A. (2011). Probing on suitability of TRMM data to explain spatio-temporal pattern of severe storms in tropic region. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss, 8, 9435–9468. Retrieved from
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