PTRwid is a fast and user friendly tool that has been developed to process data from proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometers (PTR-TOF-MS) that use HTOF (high-resolution time-of-flight) mass spectrometers from Tofwerk AG (Switzerland). PTRwid is designed for a comprehensive evaluation of whole laboratory or field-based studies. All processing runs autonomously, and entire laboratory or field campaigns can, in principle, be processed with a few mouse clicks. Unique features of PTRwid include (i) an autonomous and accurate mass scale calibration, (ii) the computation of a "unified mass list" that - in addition to a uniform data structure - provides a robust method to determine the precision of attributed peak masses, and (iii) fast data analysis due to well considered choices in data processing.
Holzinger, R. (2015). PTRwid: A new widget tool for processing PTR-TOF-MS data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8(9), 3903–3922.
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