Mobile source emissions are important contributors to ambient air pollution. Exposure to ambient particulate matter has been associated with cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality, including asthma. Causal biological mechanisms about health effects of air pollution are only partly understood. Air pollution exposure has been associated with compromised pulmonary immune defence mechanisms in both animals and humans. Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - especially benzopyrene - can cause immune suression, increases the risk of infection and disease, and increases the risk of lung and other types of cancers. Acute exposures to oxides of nitrogen and sulphur have been associated with increased bronchial reactivity and susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections. Our aim with this article is to review the prevalence of mobile source emissions in Brasov and Constanta. In this study, combustion particles from vehicle exhaust (CH4, NO, CO, COU) were analysed with MX 21 PLUS (OLDHAM) in August 2005 and June 2006. Air pollution contains complex mixtures of many pollutants, which vary overtime and from place to place. Traffic-related exposure shows a light pollution between 15-16 o'clock. This study has shown ambient air pollution increase with proximity to roadways. This study provides important insights into the physicochemical components of engine emissions that most strongly influence the toxicity of inhaled emissions.
Taus, N., Tarulescu, S., Idomir, M., & Taus, R. (2008). Respiratory exposure to air pollutants. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 9, 15–25.
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