A geological study has been conducted in the framework of the microzonation of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It reveals the deposit of Miocene and Pliocene formations in a marine environment and the impact on these deposits of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden N80° E fault system and of N110° E faults. The tectonic and morphological analysis indicates motion during the Quaternary along several mapped reverse left-lateral N110° E faults affecting the capital. Assessing ground-movement hazards represents an integral component of seismic microzonation. The geological results have provided essential groundwork for this assessment. Seismic microzonation aims to take seismic risk more fully into account in the city's urbanization and development policies. To this end, assumptions are made as to risks induced by surface rupture and ground movement from active faults.
Terrier, M., Bialkowski, a, Nachbaur, a, Prépetit, C., & Joseph, Y. F. (2014). Revision of the geological context of the Port-au-Prince, Haiti, metropolitan area: implications for seismic microzonation. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2, 1613–1635. Retrieved from http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2014NHESD...2.1613T
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