The radiative impact and climate effects of geoengineering using sea-spray aerosols have been investigated in the HadGEM2-ES Earth system model using a fully prognostic treatment of the sea-spray aerosols and also including their direct radiative effect. Two different emission patterns were considered, one to maximise the direct effect in clear skies, the other to maximise the indirect effects of the sea-spray on low clouds; in both cases the emissions were limited to 10% of the ocean area. While the direct effect was found to be significant, the indirect effects on clouds were much more effective in reducing global mean temperature as well as having less of an impact on global mean precipitation per unit temperature reduction. The impact on the distribution of precipitation was found to be similar in character, but less in degree, to that simulated by a previous study using a much simpler treatment of this geoengineering process. © 2012 Author(s).
Jones, A., & Haywood, J. M. (2012). Sea-spray geoengineering in the HadGEM2-ES earth-system model: Radiative impact and climate response. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12(22), 10887–10898.
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