Adaptive media such as HTTP adaptive streaming (HAS) is becoming a standard tool for online video distribution. The non-cooperative competition of network resources between a growing number of adaptive streaming applications has a significant detrimental impact on the user experience and network efficiency. Existing network infrastructures often prioritise fast packet forwarding and not the quality of the delivered content. Future network management must leverage application and user-level cognitive factors to allocate scarce network resources effectively and intelligently. Our software defined cognitive networking (SDCN) project aims at incorporating new developments in human cognition, media technology and communication networks to ensure the user experience, user-level fairness and network efficiency of online adaptive media.
Mu, M. (2018). Software defined cognitive networking: Supporting intelligent online video streaming. In CCNC 2018 - 2018 15th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (Vol. 2018-January, pp. 1–4). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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