A statistical analysis for the comparability of water (H2O) and ozone (O3) data sets sampled during the SPURT aircraft campaigns and the MOZAIC passenger aircraft flights is presented. The Kolmogoroff-Smirnoff test reveals that the distribution functions from SPURT and MOZAIC trace gases differ from each other with a confidence of 95%. A variance analysis shows a different variability character in both trace gas data sets. While the SPURT H2O data only contain atmospheric processes variable on a diurnal or synoptical timescale, MOZAIC H2O data also reveal processes, which vary on inter-seasonal and seasonal timescales. The SPURT H2O data set does not represent the full MOZAIC H2O variance in the UT/LS for climatological investigations, whereas the variance of O3 is much better represented. SPURT H2O data are better suited in the stratosphere, where the MOZAIC RH sensor looses its sensitivity.
Kunz, A., Schiller, C., Rohrer, F., Smit, H. G. J., Nedelec, P., & Spelten, N. (2008). Statistical analysis of water vapour and ozone in the UT/LS observed during SPURT and MOZAIC. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 8(22), 6603–6615. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-8-6603-2008
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