Making strategic business decisions is one of the most difficult and, at the same time, most interesting issues of management. Decisions of this kind, classically referred to as ill-structured problems, are extremely difficult to support with management information systems. Recent research on solving this type of problems through reasoning by analogy has charted a possible course of development for strategic decision support systems. Applying the case-based reasoning approach in this context seems to be the right research paradigm to create the architecture of such a system. This article presents the current state of research on using analogies in strategic decision making and discusses proposals for architecture of a system exploiting case-based reasoning as well as methods of representing knowledge on a company in such a system. Finally, the results of preliminary experiments are presented which were conducted on the cases of actual companies, demonstrating the ability to automatically retrieve the right cases. The article is closed with a summary of experiment results and the presentation of conclusions in the context of further research in this field. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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Surma, J. (2009). Supporting Strategic Decision Making With Case-Based Reasoning. International Journal of Business Insights & Transformation, 3(1), 4–9. Retrieved from