Technical Note: Approximate solution of transient drawdown for constant-flux pumping at a partially penetrating well in a radial two-zone confined aquifer

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An aquifer consisting of a skin zone and a formation zone is considered as a two-zone aquifer. Existing solutions for the problem of constant-flux pumping in a two-zone confined aquifer involve laborious calculation. This study develops a new approximate solution for the problem based on a mathematical model describing steady-state radial and vertical flows in a two-zone aquifer. Hydraulic parameters in these two zones can be different but are assumed homogeneous in each zone. A partially penetrating well may be treated as the Neumann condition with a known flux along the screened part and zero flux along the unscreened part. The aquifer domain is finite with an outer circle boundary treated as the Dirichlet condition. The steady-state drawdown solution of the model is derived by the finite Fourier cosine transform. Then, an approximate transient solution is developed by replacing the radius of the aquifer domain in the steady-state solution with an analytical expression for a dimensionless time-dependent radius of influence. The approximate solution is capable of predicting good temporal drawdown distributions over the whole pumping period except at the early stage. A quantitative criterion for the validity of neglecting the vertical flow due to a partially penetrating well is also provided. Conventional models considering radial flow without the vertical component for the constant-flux pumping have good accuracy if satisfying the criterion.

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Huang, C. S., Yang, S. Y., & Yeh, H. D. (2015). Technical Note: Approximate solution of transient drawdown for constant-flux pumping at a partially penetrating well in a radial two-zone confined aquifer. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(6), 2639–2647.

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