Using task analysis to explore older novice participants' experiences with a handheld touchscreen device

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Access to online resources is becoming more important for engagement with society. However, older people with limited experience of digital interfaces can have significant difficulties with access. Touchscreen devices have shown potential to offer a lower learning barrier for older and novice users. Usability becomes increasingly important with age related changes in sensory perception, cognition and motor skills. This pilot study has investigated errors made by older users with low prior experience of digital interactions. This paper reports their behaviour and errors using a tablet touchscreen device through attempting several tasks. Task analysis and actual user task sequences have been used to explore the errors and consequent difficulties experienced by the participants.




Murad, S., Bradley, M. D., Kodagoda, N., Barnard, Y. F., & Lloyd, A. D. (2012). Using task analysis to explore older novice participants’ experiences with a handheld touchscreen device. In Contemporary Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012 (pp. 57–64). CRC Press.

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