The article considers the issues related to the method of modeling the lifecycle of petrochemical and oil refineries using a cognitive approach for making management decisions. The work gives the analysis of the current state of proven oil reserves in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan. It describes the assessment results of the technical and economic indicators of the PAO ANK Bashneft enterprises, made based on the schedule executed in the Sigma Plot program. For the purpose of sustainable future operation of petrochemical and oil refining enterprises in the Republic of Bashkortostan, several scenarios are proposed. The most optimal scenario is the production of an expanded range of commercial products based on biomass.
Valiev, S. Z., & Fedorova, O. A. (2019). Aspects of modeling a petrochemical and petroleum refinery lifecycle. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(3), 121–127.
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