Deaf-mute people can communicate with normal people with help of sign languages. Our project objective is to analyse and translate the sign language that is hand gestures into text and voice. For this process, RealTimeImage made by deaf-mute peopleiscapturedanditisgivenasinput to the pre-processor. Then, feature extraction process by using otsu’s algorithm and classification by using SVM(support Vector Machine) can be done. After the text for corresponding sign has been produced. The obtained text is converted into voice with use of MATLAB function. Thus hand gestures made by deaf-mute people has been analysed and translated into text and voice for better communication.
Tamilselvan, K. S., kumar, P. B., … Roshini, C. (2020). Translation of Sign Language for Deaf and Dumb People. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 5592–5595.
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