Quantifying fraction of total power vs wavelength of ultra-nanoscale plasmonic biosensor device using metal-insulator-metal-metal stack, nano wells and biotin layer.

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An ultra-thin three-dimensional nanostructured biosensor device based on the Plasmonic principle is custom designed and analyzed for the Plasmonic properties. Here the FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) method is adopted as mathematical model using MEEP (MIT Electromagnetic Equation Propagation) open-source simulation tool. The four models are investigated and analyzed in the following order for respective Plasmonic properties of fraction of total power with respect to the wavelength for model-I MIMM layers (Metal-Insulator-Metal-Metal) with no nanostructure (Al-Al2O3-Cr-Au), model-II MIMM layers with no nanostructure (Al-Al2O3-Cr-Au) and Biotin layer, model-III MIMM layers (Al-Al2O3-Cr-Au) with 11 x 11 Nano well structures and model-IV MIMM layers with Nano well structures and Biotin layer (Al-Al2O3-Cr-Au-Biotin). Here the structural and functional behavior of model I Vs Model II Vs Model III vs Model IV is simulated and the fraction of power is measured across the biosensor stack layer of MIMM for the wave length range quantified. In model II there is an approximate 5% power loss at all layers when compared to model I due to addition of the Biotin layer. In model IV there is an approximate 50 % power loss when compared to model III at Au layer, 60% power loss when compared to model III at Al layer and 67% of power loss at Cr + Al2O3 due to Biotin layer. These quantifications can be used to understand the model and the behavior of the biosensor under various conditions well before the fabrication, thereby reducing the cost and to comprehend the behavior of each material in terms of power dissipation so different material can be experimented.

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Sharma, D., & Dwivedi, R. P. (2019). Quantifying fraction of total power vs wavelength of ultra-nanoscale plasmonic biosensor device using metal-insulator-metal-metal stack, nano wells and biotin layer. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 339–343. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1464.078219

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Professor / Associate Prof. 1


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Computer Science 1


Engineering 1


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