The technological advancement has made a revolutionary impact almost in all firms, even from the beginning of this millennium it has made big leap towards online business and online commercialization also known as Electronic Commerce. The Metropolitan cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore (Bengaluru) and Kolkata has been trendy and very well developed towards e-commerce and its impact is so high, as the lifestyle of man residing in those place varies and has huge difference with the people of rural and semi urban people. This Survey is about the study on negative percipience of E-Commerce by non-online shoppers with special reference to Tirupattur, a semi-urban town in Vellore District of Tamil Nadu, India.
A Research on Negative Percipience of E-Commerce by Non-Online Shoppers in Tirupattur. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2S3), 445–449.
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