Green bio composites for food packaging

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Petroleum-based synthetic polymers are mostly used for packaging materials for their advantageous features such as flexibility, lightness and transparency. However, the waste caused by the increasing usage has led to serious environmental impacts. There are many packaging products claimed as ‘green’ material in the market but, they are not fully from natural renewable resources. Most biocomposites materials comprised only either the matrix or fiber/filler from natural renewable resources, but still blended with another synthetic compound. Thus, green biocomposites which composed of fully biodegradable natural fibers and biopolymer matrix would be a great alternative. It can be naturally degraded and completely return to the environment safely after usage. The main shortcomings of biopolymer are their inadequate of mechanical and barrier properties in product application. Yet, the embedding reinforcing fibers or fillers would help in improving the final properties of the composites. The intention of this review is to present the latest development of green biocomposites research and its application for food packaging. It is also proposed to provide critical information that covers around properties of green biocomposites, types of available biopolymers and natural fibers, including their manufacturing techniques. Furthermore, the economic circumstances and forthcoming trend of these materials in food packaging industry would also be reviewed.




Salwa, H. N., Sapuan, S. M., Mastura, M. T., & Zuhri, M. Y. M. (2019). Green bio composites for food packaging. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), 450–459.

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