With evolving technology in the field of automation, the implementation of the word “Smart” on the equipments we use in our day to day life has become a sort of a fashion trend among young researchers. Smart Homes and their development are sky-rocketing in reference to controlling daily objects using voice/gesture/apps, paths which are a free flow of development which researchers tend to be inclined to. But intricate care is also given towards using this technology for developing security and safety systems. Safety and security systems are very important in daily life as they tend to be very helpful in stopping crime. Safety and Security will be achieved by a three-layer security system includes a RFID based detection system and Face Detection. This article gives intricate details on a novel Home security system implementing automation and Internet of Things.
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Kaushal, A., Gaur, A., & Sasikala, Dr. E. (2020). Iot based Home Security and Automation using Random Number(Password) Generators and Face Detection. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1009–1014. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.a2020.059120