Macroscopic lamellae orientations of diblock copolymer induced by dynamic shear

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Computer simulation based on the coupled map lattices has been carried out for morphologies of the diblock copolymeric system under applied periodic shear deformation. The main effort is concentrated on the influence of pre-annealing history on the lamellae orientations in dynamically sheared diblock copolymers. It is found that whatever the quenching temperature is, the perpendicular orientation (i. e. the lamellae normal is parallel to the vorticity axis) is always observed if the dynamic shear deformation with shear amplitude Γ = 1.0 and reduced shear frequency Ω = 0.005 is applied during annealing. In contrast to that, the parallel orientation (i.e. the lamellae normal is parallel to the velocity gradient direction) is observed if the dynamic shear with the same amplitude and frequency is applied to a thoroughly annealed (with the annealing time τ > 4 000) diblock copolymer. Therefore, it is pointed out that the selection of lamellar orientations in dynamically sheared diblock copolymers is not solely dependent on the shear frequency and the quench depth, the pre-annealing history has a very strong influence on the selection of lamellar orientations. Thus, the contradictions existing in literature could be explained according to the thermal history of the samples and the results of this study.

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Zhang, H., & Yang, Y. (1997). Macroscopic lamellae orientations of diblock copolymer induced by dynamic shear. Science in China, Series B: Chemistry, 40(1), 53–60.

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