Weighted Fuzzy Sets

  • T* P
  • et al.
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The weighted fuzzy subset is to describe the importance of each element in the set through the characteristi3c function. In this paper, we study how an element and its presence in the set, namely, the degree of belongingness plays a role in determining the characteristic level of the set. Presence of an element in the set strengthens the set to a greater extent. Set gets its weightage, because of its elements and its association with the other elements. Association depicts the internal and external factors influencing over an element. In other words, the proposed weighted fuzzy subset has 3-tuple representation such as elements in a set, degree of presence of an elements and degree of impact of the set because of each elements presence.




T*, P., & P, M. (2020). Weighted Fuzzy Sets. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 766–769. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.e5718.018520

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