This paper introduces a novel travel for blind users that can assist them to detects location of doors in corridors and also give information about location of stairs. The developed system uses camera to capture images in front of the user. Feature extraction algorithm is used to extract key features that distinguish doors and stairs from other structures observed in indoor environments. This information is then conveyed to the user using simple auditory feedback. The mobility aid was validated on 50 visually impaired users. The subjects walked in a controlled test environment. The accuracy of the device to help the user detect doors and stairs was determined. The results obtained were satisfactory and the device has the potential for use in standalone mode for indoor navigations.
Varde*, S., & Panse, Dr. M. S. (2021). Camera Sensory System for Door and Stair Detection for Visually Impaired. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 10(6), 109–113.
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