Two-way slab directly rests on column known as flat plates, in flat slab building formwork is simple as compare to normal slab (that means slab rest on beam column frame building) and reinforcement layout are also simple and storey height decreases. In flat slab building check second order effect (second order effect known as p-delta effect). P-delta analysis means laterally displacing structures (for high rise building) with gravity loads will deflect. In P-delta analysis when lateral force act on member then it will deflect at delta distance and create secondary moments. For stability design of a building P-delta analysis is required. In the present work seismic analysis (consider zone V & soft soil) of a multi storey flat slab building with and without P-delta effects is analysed by using ETAB software. The seismic zone factor of 0.36 is considered. From the analysis check displacement and drift of flat slab building at different storey (G+9, G+19, and G+ 29) of flat slab building.
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Gupta, K., & Md. Tasleem. (2020). Performance of P-Delta Analysis of Flat Slab and R C Framed Buildings. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 1838–1847.