Awareness on Calcium Carbide Ripened Fruits and Recommendations for Toxic Free Artificial Ripening of Fruits

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Fruit ripening using calcium carbide became a bad practice by the fruits sellers. Unfortunately calcium carbide being a low priced alternative available to the fruit traders/cold store operators/farmers, other safe methods are not practiced by the fruit producers/sellers. In spite of ban on usage of calcium carbide for the purposes of fruit ripening, several farmers and traders use calcium carbide due to its easy availability and non-awareness of its toxicity on human health. Study is conducted on awareness of these factors among the fruit consumers. About 190 literates gave the feedback, based on which recommendations made for making safe and healthy fruits available in the market for consumers. Initiatives of government of India on these aspects are also discussed. Technical details on ethylene ripening chambers and its maintenance are also presented.




Sabita, T. (2019). Awareness on Calcium Carbide Ripened Fruits and Recommendations for Toxic Free Artificial Ripening of Fruits. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 2779–2783.

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