We experienced a 49 year old female SAD patient who showed a good response the next day after alprazolam 1.2 mg administration. The background EEG of the patient showed an abnormal EEG with slow waves. The personality was colored with hysterical features. The nadir of body core temperature from rectum slightly delayed in remission phase compared with depressive phase. The patient became hypomania and calmed down gradually. Alprazolam treatment seemed to be available for SAD patients.
Yamadera, H., Nakamura, S., Suzuki, H., & Endo, S. (1997). The efficiency of alprazolam for seasonal affective disorder (SAD, autumn/winter type). Journal of Nippon Medical School, 64(1), 53–56. https://doi.org/10.1272/jnms1923.64.53
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