Cloud computing being the extensive technology used across globe for data sharing. The data may vary from small file to a highly confidential file consisting of various sensitive information stored in it. Since the cloud services are provided by the third party vendors, users are very much concerned about the security and privacy of the data and data access details. The users wants their traceability to be hidden by the cloud vendors. The biggest challenge is to share the data in a most secured way by encrypting and also preserving the anonymity of the users in cloud from the vendors. This paper addresses the issue by proposing a multi attribute authority in key generations of users, where the few sub sets of attributes will be used by multiple attribute authorities randomly and hence masking of the selection of attributes from various authorities and providing a mechanism for efficient data distribution in cloud by preserving the anonymity of the users.
Banasode*, P., & Padmannavar, S. (2020). Secured Processing o f Data Over Cloud u sing Disjoint Multi Attribute Authority Scheme f or Key Generation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 2230–2233.
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