Glucosinolate-derived volatiles in raw vegetables, Fujisawakabu and Yukina, and their pickled or salted products

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Two kinds of cruciferous vegetables indigenous to Yamagata Prefecture, fujisawakabu and yukina, were characterized for their glucosinolate-derived volatiles, along with those from their pickled or salted products. Among the isothiocyanates detected in raw Fujisawakabu, 2-phenethyl isothiocyanate was the major pungent component. 3-Butenyl and 4-pentenyl isothiocyanates were detected with relatively lower amounts, while their corresponding toxic 1-cyanoepithioalkanes were the major volatile components. Although raw yukina had both 3-butenyl and 4-pentenyl isothiocyanates as the major pungent components, much larger amounts of nitriles, including 1-cyanoepithioalkanes were found in the volatiles. In contrast, amounts of the toxic 1-cyanoepithioalkanes were markedly reduced in both pickled fujisawakabu (fujisawakabu-zuke) and salted yukina (yukina-fusube-zuke), as the major volatile products formed from glucosinolates were the isothiocyanates found in the raw vegetables.




Uda, Y., Yoshida, S., Goto, M., & Egashira, H. (2007). Glucosinolate-derived volatiles in raw vegetables, Fujisawakabu and Yukina, and their pickled or salted products. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi, 54(12), 559–562.

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