Cloud computing is a major technology in the development of internet services, and it delivers software, infrastructure and platform. It enables the client to offer-based services in a pay-per-use concept. So, it offers a less expensive and easy way of managing things. In this paper, we introduce a formal definition of CloudSim simulator, including its architecture, reasons for adopting for modeling and simulation, pros and cons. Moreover, CloudSim versions and how to implement the cloud environment using CloudSim. Further, we demonstrate that cloudlet scheduler policy TimeShared, SpaceShared and DynamicWorkload approach for VM scheduler TimeShared policy are compared on the bases of some performance parameters in term of average turnaround time, throughput, total execution time and total simulation time. These parameters outperform in DynamicWorkload cloudlet scheduler policy than TimeShared and SpaceShared approach for TimeShared VM scheduler policy. This work is anticipated to the beginner of the field to choose CloudSim simulation platform and suitable approaches for cloud computing.
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Ahmad, M. O., & Khan, R. Z. (2019). Cloud computing modeling and simulation using cloudsim environment. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5439–5445.