Main determination of this research is to style the work automatic, scrubbing is a very tough job it requires lot of patience and lot of persons to clean and in cleaning a person may damage his/her healthiness, cleaning is more time taking work. To do the work easily we have developed the robot & it is designed in such a way that it can clean house, offices, apartments, cellars,and even streets as well. The person who is standing far gone of the cleaning area is monitoring the robot. This design include of DC motors, servo motor brushes, tub, scrub, LED light, battery, water pump, Arduino and Bluetooth for wireless communication, mobile phone.
Khan, M. S., Nagageetha, & Gurunadha Babu, M. (2019). Bluetooth control cleaning robot using arduino. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11 Special issue 2), 123–125.
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