Complexity of single-swap heuristics for metric facility location and related problems

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Metric facility location and K -means are well-known prob-lems of combinatorial optimization. Both admit a fairly simple heuris-tic called single-swap, which adds, drops or swaps open facilities until it reaches a local optimum. For both problems, it is known that this algorithm produces a solution that is at most a constant factor worse than the respective global optimum. In this paper, we show that single-swap applied to the weighted metric uncapacitated facility location and weighted discrete K -means problem is tightly PLS-complete and hence has exponential worst-case running time.




Brauer, S. (2017). Complexity of single-swap heuristics for metric facility location and related problems. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 10236 LNCS, pp. 116–127). Springer Verlag.

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