Electrochemical grinding is combination of electrochemical machining and mechanical grinding process.in this process 90%-98% percentage of material are removed by electrochemical machining, only 3%-5% of materials can only remove by mechanical grinding process. Faradays law of electrolysis (or) reverse electroplating act as a basic principle for this ECG process. This ECG has various advantages than other machining process for high strength materials .low induvial stress, large depth of cut .here Monel 400 alloy take base material,its Ni-Cu alloy so it’s have very high level corrosion resistance, so it’s used in marine engineering,heat exchanger. Here silicon carbide abrasive insulated brass grinding wheel used instead of copper bonded diamond wheel. Voltage, electrolyte concentration, electrolyte flowrate take are the parameters of this process. Three factors and two levels of RSM methodology takes for optimization. The Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been delivers the variation between the parameters performed to develop mathematical model. The parameters high voltage and concentration of electrolyte to produce maximum material removal rate.
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Mohan, P., Vinothkumar, G., Thirulogachandar, M., Manimaran, B., & Venkatesan, P. (2019). Improve the material removal rate of electrochemical grinding on monel 400 using RSM. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3219–3222. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B2645.078219