Observational signatures of anisotropic inflationary models

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We study observational signatures of two classes of anisotropic inflationary models in which an inflaton field couples to (i) a vector kinetic term FμνFμν and (ii) a two-form kinetic term HμνλHμνλ. We compute the corrections from the anisotropic sources to the power spectrum of gravitational waves as well as the two-point cross correlation between scalar and tensor perturbations. The signs of the anisotropic parameter g* are different depending on the vector and the two-form models, but the statistical anisotropies generally lead to a suppressed tensor-to-scalar ratio r and a smaller scalar spectral index ns in both models. In the light of the recent Planck bounds of ns and r, we place observational constraints on several different inflaton potentials such as those in chaotic and natural inflation in the presence of anisotropic interactions. In the two-form model we also find that there is no cross correlation between scalar and tensor perturbations, while in the vector model the cross correlation does not vanish. The non-linear estimator fNL of scalar non-Gaussianities in the two-form model is generally smaller than that in the vector model for the same orders of g *|, so that the former is easier to be compatible with observational bounds of non-Gaussianities than the latter. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl.

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Ohashi, J., Soda, J., & Tsujikawa, S. (2013). Observational signatures of anisotropic inflationary models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2013(12). https://doi.org/10.1088/1475-7516/2013/12/009

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