Nordic Model of Welfare States

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Characteristics, similarities and differences of the Nordic welfare states are developed based upon an analysis of a number of input, output and outcome measures. It is demonstrated that familiarity between the countries has to be established by outcome measures like the Gini coefficient and poverty ratios both mirroring aspects of the income distribution subsequent to taxation and transfer payments. It is argued that the Nordic countries share the basic value of equality, may be even ‘equal dignity in hut and palace’. Irrespective of different choices with regard to instruments to achieve equality, the underlying ethos of the Nordic welfare states is the same. The chapter is closed by discussing a number of challenges facing the Nordic welfare states.




Petersen, J. H. (2019). Nordic Model of Welfare States. In Ius Gentium (Vol. 73, pp. 21–39). Springer Science and Business Media B.V.

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