IoT based security system using raspberry PI and mail server

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This project approach with the IoT Integration of Internet Security Integration with a mail server. The project aims to increase the safety of homes with the help of the above mentioned methods. This approach focuses on transmitting data and sensors, instructions, cameras, and end-users through the inclusion of a spying device into a small Raspberry Pi. IoT can be seen as angrowth rather than a revolt. IoT includes the use of connections for effective collection and analysis of data from various sensors or personal computers through wireless connection. Built in today's system, sends an owner of Internet Advertising ads if changes are made, and clicks on people that cause user-alerts. This system includes also providing for the appropriate informed security personnel in case of an emergency.




Snigdha, S., & Haribabu, K. (2019). IoT based security system using raspberry PI and mail server. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(11), 1702–1704.

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