Nutrition problems that occurred in districts/cities of Central Java province from 2015-2017 were only 1 district city that did not have nutritional problems (good category) in 2015.The rest had acute, chronic or acute chronic nutrition problems. The search for the most influential attributes in toddler nutrition problems using data mining is expected to help health workers to focus more on solving problems based on classification in the area.Therefore, improving the nutritional status of the community can be accelerated. The best parameter search from the selection of features and data mining algorithm using the Optimize Parameters (Grid) operator found in Rapidminer.The feature selection models used are Backward Elimination, Forward Selection, and Optimize Selection. The datamining algorithm used is Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, k-NN, and Neural Network.The merging of the feature selection model and the datamining algorithm resulted in 12 algorithm models used in this study.The best model that was processed using test data with the highest accuracy of 74.19% was obtained from backward-neural network elimination. The attribute that is not very influential based on the model obtained is the condition of the mother who died.
Darmansyah*, & Kusuma*, G. P. (2020). Data Mining Performance of Toddler Nutrition Classification Based on Family Nutrition Awareness and Human Development Index. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 1591–1596.
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