The relevance of the research topic is due to modern trends in world development, which indicate the need for the readiness of higher education for intercultural cooperation and cross-cultural interaction, contributing to the emergence of new elements and forms of cultural activity and correcting values, behaviors, and lifestyles (both universal and culture-specific). The purpose of this article is based on the justification of the theoretical foundations of the research problem to establish the conditions for the development of cross-cultural interaction and methods of university management associated with the formation of readiness of pedagogical process participants to cross-cultural interaction. The relevance of the search for new approaches to the organization of university cross-cultural management is noted in the article. The rating of readiness components for cross-cultural interaction, conditions of development of cross-cultural interaction, and methods used for the formation of skills of cross-cultural interaction are defined.
Saydulaev, D. D. (2019). Universities and Cross-Cultural Management: Opportunities and Technologies for Improving the Quality of Services in Education. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 9069–9074.
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