Economic Dispatch problem involves the scheduling of generating unit outputs that can satisfy load demand at minimum operating cost. This paper proposes a Lightning Search Algorithm (LSA) to optimize the economic dispatch in power system. LSA has three main steps which are transition projectile, space projectile and lead projectile. The proposed method has been applied to solve 3 unit and 6-unit generation system of economic dispatch problem. The objective of this problem is to minimize a total generation cost and to consider the losses. The propose method has been compared with other techniques such as GA, PSO, ABC, and GWO. The comparative result shows that the LSA can provide better solution with a convergence and robustness for solving economic dispatch.
Shamsudin, S. H., Abdullah, M. N., Dahalan, W. M., & Aswan, N. F. (2019). Lightning search algorithm (LSA) technique for solving economic dispatch (ED) problem. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 5658–5662.
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