Frequent pattern and high utility item sets with up –tree format in distributed data mining

ISSN: 22783075
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New network outputs and drag are required to extract shared data to find the results of intensive workflows. In the acceptable workflow variability, information is transferred between functions in the form of files. Tasks are completed when input data is processed and continuous output output output is generated. Each task runs longer than the time in order to obtain new data. The heuristic algorithm is used in the workflow of raw material groups. These groups will function as one function so that the transfer of information is zero. The open network architecture is a distributed architecture for interaction and computing based on services such as WSDL and SOAP that are used to perform different operations between the sender and the receiver in the form of online request and response.




Anusha, D., Jyothi, B., & Vishnu Murthy, G. (2019). Frequent pattern and high utility item sets with up –tree format in distributed data mining. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(6 C2), 258–261.

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