Automatic irrigation system using arduino uno

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In the present world, an increase in population occurs due to water scarcity and food scarcity. So to reduce this problem we have to contribute for the growth of agriculture sector. But the problem in this sector is there will be more wastage of water in the form of logging of water while watering the land for irrigation. Therefore, an irrigation system which is automatic has to be developed for supplying water properly and systematically in the fields[1]. In this paper an irrigation system for plants is designed that helps supply exact amount of water in the fields without wasting it by sensing the soil moisture content in the soil. By taking this value it decides whether irrigation is needed for the field or not. In this system we are using AtMega328 microcontroller. This microcontroller senses the content of moisture of soil over a time period. If the content of moisture is less than the predefined limit, it sends the information to the farmer so that he can start to provide water to the fields till the threshold is reached.




Sai Prasanth, P. V. V., Veera Prasad, G., & Kiran Babu, M. (2019). Automatic irrigation system using arduino uno. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5), 457–459.

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