This paper presents Dual Edge Triggered (DET) master slave D-Type flip flops for glitch free, low power, low delay, low silicon area and low Power Delay Product (PDP). This DET master slave D-Type flip flops are compared against the existing DET flip flops using 45nm & 180nm CMOS technology which has been simulated using Cadence Virtuoso. The proposed DET master slave D-Type flip flops has reduced the number of transistors in use for operation, which leads to low glitch, low power and low delay design. Paper consist glitch free DET master slave D-Type flip flops analysis for power, delay and PDP. The proposed DET flip flop is also simulated and implemented for 18nm Fin-FET in Cadence Tool.
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Low Glitch & Low Power Dual Edge Triggered DType Flip Flops for Integrated Applications. (2019). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 5906–5912.