In today's world of development any individual is in need of developing the employability skills in order to grow and settle in their profession. Their possession of hard skills such as education, experience and expertise does not guarantee them perfect job opportunities. Low proficient learners from Arts and Science Colleges find it difficult to get reasonable jobs because they lack employability skills. This is an attempt to analyze the role of technology in the development of employability skills particularly English vocabulary in the low proficient learners of Arts and Science College. 20 students from 3 different departments were given assignments to be done using 3 online tools. Assessment has been made to find out some difference in training the low proficient learners from Arts and Science. The result shows a tremendous change in attitude in learning vocabulary in the low proficient learners from Arts and Science. English vocabulary can be. The soft skills syllabus prescribed can be enriched and made more interesting especially for the low proficient learners with the addition of the online tool ‘Memrise” for learning vocabulary. This will pave a path to those that found learning English difficult.
Fennila James, S., & Mercy Gnana Gandhi, S. (2019). Enhancing english vocabulary in low proficient learners using online tools with special reference to arts and science colleges. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 2133–2140.
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