The basic idea of building Distributed Systems (DS) is to replenish systematic way to access disseminated resources in a decisive way. As It ensures remote access to the resources, the vital part in distributed systems is to allow proper allocation of the resources. Efficient allocation of resources amongst the various Computing Nodes (CN) can happen with the help of various scheduling policies. The various scheduling policies that are being used for efficient load balancing are Round Robin, Throttled, equally spread Load Balancing Algorithms. These are the traditional algorithms which help in performing load balance amongst CN. In this research paper an Improved and Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm is proposed which fairs comparatively well compared with the traditional existing approaches which come along with the Cloud Simulator. The simulation of the same is made using Cloud Simulator whose efficiency in terms of response time and cost is proved to be more than 5% when compared to the traditional approaches.
K, M., & Sundaram, Dr. S. M. (2020). Improved and Efficient Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm in Cloud Based Distributed System. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(5), 4812–4816.
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