This article researched controlling and operating a dc micro grid that can be operated in connected grid and island modes. Dc micro grid comprises of a wind turbine, dc loads, grid-connected converter arrangement and a battery energy storage scheme. When the scheme is linked to the grid, the active energy is balanced during standard operation to guarantee a continuous dc voltage. In grid ac failure, automatic power balancing is attained by combining the battery energy storage scheme as well as the grid converter. To demonstrate that the system can function under island circumstances, a synchronized battery scheme approach, wind turbine and load managing, including load shedding, is suggested. MATLAB simulations are provided to demonstrate the powerful operational presentation and confirm the predicted control system under different working situations, such as varying in load, grid ac fault, variable generation and islanding.
Bhadke, D. B., & Patil, M. D. (2019). Operation and control of a DC micro-grid with wind power generation and energy storage. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2), 3972–3978.
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