Cloud computing(CC) is one of the fastest emerging technology. As we all know, cloud is a wide pool of resource which provides resources based on the users request. Any service can be provided as a service through cloud. As the cloud contains many resources, there may also wastage of resources. To reduce this wastage, cloud providers enter into auctioning of resources when the demand is high. Cloud computing includes distinct resources. Because of the complementary and supplementary effects between distinct assets, bidders have preferences not for just a single resource but also for a set of resources. Auctioning for a bundle of resources is called mergeable auction (MA). Dynamic resource allocation in on demand for a bundle of resource is proposed by using MA – PROVISION algorithm and the scenarios are simulated using Cloudsim, a simulator meant for cloud computing analysis.
Effectual Resource Allocation using Auction Mechanism in Cloud Computing. (2019). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2S2), 814–819.
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