Air pollution and its impact in the oceans and the terrain are in need of attention since it causes adverse effects in livelihood. Air pollutants identified so far produce destructive impacts to the human beings and the environment as well. The increase in toxic level reduces the capacity of the oceans to produce required oxygen which is a deteriorating factor. According to a recent report released by World Health Organization. 9 out of 10 people breathe the polluted air. Hence an efficient solution to monitor and control the air pollution is required. Recent trends in Internet of Things had helped in employing different gas sensors in order to identify the air pollutant levels. In this paper, it is proposed to develop a low cost system for efficient pollution monitoring and controlling. Integrated Internet of Things technology with Cloud services are employed to enable the effective services. Microsoft Azure’s cloud services are used to store the inferred data which is used for further communication. The pollutant’s toxicity level is identified and the system is alerted in order to control the air pollution. The system also uses the GSM / GPS module to track the location of high sensitivity within the selected zone. The toxic level of each type of pollutant is assessed. The main objective of the proposal is to observe, alert and control the air pollution.
Susila*, Dr. N., Daniel, E., & Durga, S. (2019). An Autonomous Air Pollution Monitoring System using IOT and Cloud. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 7220–7223.
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