MIMO technology offers large improvements in data transfer and connection range no bandwidth extra or processing potential in wireless communication,. Multiple transmitters and receivers are used to simultaneously transfer enormous amounts of data. Using many antennas transmitting and receiving, efficiency can be enhanced for wireless communication systems operating in fading environments. But the key downside in the new MIMO scheme, due to multiple Radio Frequency chains, is increased complexity and high cost. A daunting incentive is the development of techniques to reduce hardware and computing costs of the systems with a huge amount of antennas. The optimum selection of the receiver antenna subset is a very effective approach to achieving this goal. Genetic algorithm is used in this paper to choose the receivers from the available set of antennas that would then be compared with an existing receiving antenna selection process.
Padhy, Dr. S., Tripathy, Dr. S. N., … Das, Dr. S. K. (2020). An Optimal Receive Antenna Selection Algorithm using GA in MIMO Communication System. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 630–633. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.e2502.039520
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