Recommendation system has become an inevitable part of our life. It has already spread its prominence in various fields like movies, music, news, article recommendations etc. Due to the influence of social media, data is streaming from all over the Internet. Collect the relevant information from chunks of data available has become much difficult. Recommender systems guides in filtering data to get the relevant information. Commonly used recommendation approaches are content based filtering and collaborative filtering. Each approach has its own limitations. The hybrid approach combines the advantages of both the approaches. In this paper, we have tried to enhance the quality of the items recommendation system by fusing both content based and collaborative filtering uniquely. The experimental results are compared with that of other traditional approach using precision and recall evaluation measure. The comparison results show that our approach has 10% better precision for top-10 recommendations than other established recommendation technique.
Tewari, A. S., & Aleesha, S. J. (2019). Generating quality items recommendation by fusing content based and collaborative filtering. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue), 494–498.
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