On Fibonacci numbers and its applications

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In this article, we explore the representation of the product of k consecutive Fibonacci numbers as the sum of kth power of Fibonacci numbers. We also present a formula for finding the coefficients of the Fibonacci numbers appearing in this representation. Finally, we extend the idea to the case of generalized Fibonacci sequence and also, we produce another formula for finding the coefficients of Fibonacci numbers appearing in the representation of three consecutive Fibonacci numbers as a particular case. Also, we point out some amazing applications of Fibonacci numbers.




Narayanan, V., Venkat Ramanan, R., Srikanth, R., & Likitha, L. (2019). On Fibonacci numbers and its applications. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 453–455. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.L3337.1081219

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